The best thing about a photograph is that it never changes... even if the people in it do. -Andy Warhol

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The other day the topic of body art came up into a conversation that I was having. While this topic isn't really unusual for me to discuss with people, this time I was thinking about it in a rather different way.

This discussion revolved around a tattoo artist's right to their own work. If an illustrator can draw an image and, if he so chooses, get that image copyrighted, can a tattoo artist do the same? Even though an illustrator works on paper and a tattoo artist works on a body does that matter? Does the canvas make a difference?

Now, I haven't done any research on the topic, so perhaps a tattoo artist can copyright their work. But if they infact can not I think that is ridiculous. Every artist has the right to their own work if that is what they desire. (Yes, I know that last sentence seems to go against my views of 'world property', but not everyone has the weird hippie ideals that I do.)

But even though I do not believe in the idea of personal property I find the whole concept behind the copyright process interesting. So, if the mood strikes I'll do a little research.


  1. check out Larry Lessig, Nina Paley, Cory Doctorow. very vocal, all over the internet
    I feel two ways about ownership.....

  2. did you see that the artist who did Mike Tyson's face tattoo petitioned the movie company to get royalties when they copied the tattoo in Hangover 2? he got the $$

    also-awesome design blog
