The best thing about a photograph is that it never changes... even if the people in it do. -Andy Warhol

Friday, May 20, 2011


Lu·cid Dream (n)
A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that she or he is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, she or he can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

In my opinion, the web defenition for lucid dreaming above is somewhat confusing. It states specifically that when dreaming lucidly, the dreamer can actively participate in the events and can often manipulate the environment. While this may be true for some people, I think that a little bit of clarifying is needed. In order for it to be considered a lucid dream must the person be making these decisions to participate by their worldly self or only their dream self?

Now, I know that the question just posed was a little confusing, so I'll use a personal example: When I am asleep in bed and I have a dream the majority of the time I am aware of the fact that I am dreaming. My dream self can go through an entire night's sleep worth of events while controling my surroundings, but in my real worldly head I still know that I am dreaming but I can not manipulate the world that my dream self is experiencing. Is that still a lucid dream?

If it in fact is not, then if there was a way that people could train themselves to be able to control the environment that surrounds them within a dream would we be able to have more insight into our own subconscious?

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