Something that I have always found curious is the concept of New Years resolutions. Every January first it is customary for people to have at least on resolution in their head that they plan to do in the year to come that will help them better themselves in some way, shape, or form. My question is why New Year's? Why do people need to have a certain day on which they plan to do something to make them feel better about themselves? In my opinion, if someone feels like they need improvement in their lives they should just do it. There is no need for a particular date to start doing something good and new.
I also think that they are often not taken very seriously. Why bother to make a resolution if in a couple weeks it will be either forgotten or ignored? The whole concept just seems superfluous to me. If I am serious about making a change in my life I will do it at the time that I see necessary and continue to keep up with it.